Figured I might as well try it on the digital camera. Here is the result:

So, yes, it is possible to use an old Nikkor lens on a new(er) digital camera. There are a few buts though.
First- manual focus is a killer. Very hard to get it right wiht small and dark D70s viewfinder. I even started thinking I might need glasses... Well, anyway, manual focus while taking pictures of moving subjects is nothing I miss.
Second- no metering. You have to bother and play setting up the exposure manualy.
Have to be fair- once you do get the borring manual stuff right the picture is great!
BTW, the light is just dinner table lamp. It created quite deep shadows so I put a Lastolite TriFlip silver reflector to bounce some light back into eye sockets.
Feel like putting the new Nikon AF-S 50/1,4 G on my xmas wish list :)